Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ashlynn's Birthday

Ashlynn had a great birthday. You can ask her how old she is now and she will proudly extend three fingers (usually starting at one and counting up) and announce that she is "san sai". She will also tell you that she is a big girl now (but that it is still too hard to go in the potty - still working on that one)

She had a great birthday with a day at the park with Bridget and her kindergarten class, a whole chair full of presents, and some guests. Couldn't ask for more if you wanted to.

Well the youngest child just turned three and I have mixed emotions about that. She is growing up and it is wonderful to see but it doesn't make you feel any younger when the littlest one is three now. By next year all of the kids will be in primary and we wont' even have one in nursery. Where is my excuse to stay out in the hall???????

Bridget's Field Trip

Since Scott missed the two weeks prior due to a business trip we decided to leave Colleen at school (she wasn't happy about it) and the rest of us went with Bridget on her kindergarten field trip. The destination of the day was Aichi Children's Park. We had no idea where it was or what it was but decided it would be a good family outing (along with about 35 other kids in the kindergarten and preschool)

The day turned out great as it is approaching spring. The sky was clear and the temperature actually climbed above 70. The park was really fun, it had at least three separate play areas with some of the longest slides that I think I have ever seen. A couple of the slides was actually a series of rollers that you slide down. One of them was the longest slide that I think I have ever seen. It was at least over a 100 yards long and probably more. It was a lot of fun but I can tell you from experience it leaves your bottom a little sore after going down it a few times.

We ended up spending a little over an hour at each area, along with about an hour for a picnic lunch. Bridget and Ashlynn had a great time and we ended up with only a couple of minor injuries. A scrap on Ashlynn's chin just in time for her birthday pictures later that evening was the worst injuries of the day (Other than all of the sore muscles for mom and dad)