Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Cherry Blossoms
Sunday, April 12, 2009
A splitting day to remember
Had an unforgettable experience at work. It has even taken awhile for me to get to the point where I could post it. It started off innocently as most events do a few days prior. April asked if I needed any new pants. I confidently responded that I was in great shape and proceeded to list off all of the pants that had. A few days later as I was going through my closet I came across a pair of pants that I had not worn for awhile. The conversation that I had with April fresh in my mind I decided to wear that pair of pants. They had been through a number of battles, various trips, and I don't know how many washings but they had stood the test of time and I wasn't about to abandon them now.
I dressed and talked April into letting my take the car to work that day and I was off. The day went along totally uneventful. We decided to head out for lunch and since I had a car I was volunteered to drive. Not a problem. We all went out and I got everyone seated and then I opened the door to van and swung in and ............... I heard a pop and what sounded like something ripping. I wandered what it was, everyone else was talking and hadn't seem to notice anything so I drove on still wondering what happened. As we got to lunch I was being a little cautious and let everyone get out of the van first. As I got out I did a quick double check, my coat was fine, my shirt was okay, my pants...........not okay. Needless to say it was a little breezy on my way into lunch.
For a logistics check for those who aren't familiar (which is probably everyone). It takes thirty plus minutes to drive home from work, it was already early afternoon and no one else had noticed yet (or least let on that they knew). We only have one car so April couldn't help I was on my own. I had a decision to make, do I try to hide it, or acknowledge the windy challenges I had and go home. I thought for awhile and decided I would work on getting through the day.
Once inside the restaurant I excused myself to the restroom, while most everyone else was off getting themselves some water to drink. I ducked in the restroom and took a look at the mirror, I thought might be able to pull it off, my jacket was about the same color as the pants and the rip was low enough there was hope. Lunch was uneventful and we headed back to work, throughout the rest of the afternoon it was an exercise of careful positioning. Making sure that I didn't lead any procession as we went through the various meetings of the day. I leaned against the walls as I talked to those that I needed to talk to and remained seated as people came to talk to me. As the afternoon wore one each time I would stand a sit you could a hear a little pop.
The day ended with at least no outward acknowledgement of my predicament and as we headed out the door to go home as I climbed into the van one last time and sat down the last final stitches let go. I was now completely unzipped from the waistband all the way down to the middle of my pants but luckily the day was done. I dropped my riders off and luckily pulled into the house without anyone in the building in the garage at the same time and I think I escaped into the house only to be meet by the laughter of April. However, I think I escaped the day. The only thing in question is what did the security cameras for the building see????????
Bridget's Fast Shoes
Monday, April 6, 2009
Ashlynn out shopping
Bridget had the opportunity to star in the elementary assembly. She gave a talk about how caring is important and told the story of when she helped one of her classmates with their coat when she was in preschool. She did a good job standing tall and talking to the whole class. I was lucky enough to not have anything pressing for work so I went in with April and Ashlynn to see Bridget perform.
After the assembly we had to stop and the local grocery store because we were out of diapers (she is working on potty training and I think we are making progress). You could tell that Ashlynn had been taught by one of the best. She immediately walked over to where the baskets are kept (they shop with baskets here not necessarily carts which makes it awkward to shop for five at once). She grabbed the basket that was here size and promptly walked up to the fruit section, calmly grabbed a carton of strawberries and she was off. Before she was done we had to put back soda, ice cream sandwiches, sweet bread, rice toppings (she thought they were candy). Not to mention that she did manage to make out with the strawberries, potato chips, and two different flavors of yogurt (I told her they were treats, she didn't know the difference).