Fall colors in Kinkatsuji garden
The Kinkatsuji shrine
We only caught Bridget's pigtails in this one
We found Bridget
Ashlynn in front of the waterfall
The kids
We finally decided it was time to get out of the city so we packed the wagon (or this case the minivan) and decided to head out to Kyoto for the day, and to see if we can see some fall colors. Kyoto is the old imperial capital of Japan. It was the capital for about 1000 years before it was moved to Tokyo a couple of hundred years ago. We decided we would go and try to see the gold temple. It is an ancient Japanese royal residence that was turned into shrine. The exterior is completely covered in a gold leaf paste.
The Kinkatsuji shrine
As with all adventures we had to have something go wrong so about a half an hour into the drive(it was only supposed to take two hours) Ashlynn all of the sudden said she spilled, and needed a wipe. Looking back she had through up her breakfast of pancakes. Of course we had just got our brand new lease van (needless to say it didn't smell like a new car anymore) so we didn't have any of the essentials beyond a thing of wipes. No change of clothes, no extra bags etc. We decided to push on, and drive with the window down.
We only caught Bridget's pigtails in this one
We found Bridget
We arrived in Kyoto in the midst of a traffic jam, finally worked our way down to the train station and found a place to park under a department store. For some reason a four story department store did not carry any kids clothes. It was entirely teen and above, believe me we looked. We finally found an LL Bean store at one of the subway exits and we finally able to get Ashlynn some new clothes. Needless to say she was wearing the most expensive outfit of the day (including mom and dads outfits)
Ashlynn in front of the waterfall
The kids
It turned out to be a really nice day and we had fun walking through the Kinkatsuji ground and looking at the grounds. There are a number of nice things to see in Kyoto but our dynamics limited us to one. Towards the end the kids were tired but Bridget could still be Bridget. You just have to look at the pictures in succession. It is a good characterization of Bridget
After we made it back to the car, and some kids feel asleep for naps we decided to make the trip over to Costco. The closest one is about two hours from our house but only thirty minutes away from where we were. It immediately reminded us of the Costco from home. The place was packed and you end up spending way more than you ever planned on. However, it was very similar to home and it was a lot of fun wandering back through and picking up some things that we can't get elsewhere. We ended up getting most of the Thanksgiving fixings we were missing so it was a good trip.
As with previous disclaimer Scott wrote this post so if you think it is brilliant it is due to my natural abilities, if you didn't like it I am sure I can come up with some excuse, just give me some time.
Your pictures are beautiful and I'm so glad that we can get glimpses of Japan through your blog. Also, it was fun to read and learn that there is a Costco in Japan! Who knew? Have a great holiday season and enjoy the states.
japan and your kids loook so adorable i wish i was there walking aroung japan for real not only in my dreams
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