Monday, September 15, 2008

April's encounter with the law

We are getting closer to finally making into our final residence. I had Monday off while the Bridget and Colleen still had school. It was kind of fun having a day off with two of the kids busy for the day. We spent the day moving stuff from our temporary house over to the permanent apartment. It wasn't without incident. Our final house is in an apartment building with a security system and video entrance camera. After a nice Indian food lunch I took Ashlynn back to the apartment while April ran to get a few last things. When April got back to the apartment she rang the bell I went to let her in but there were three buttons; which one should I push? I tried the first, nothing happened, tried the second one, nothing happened, so I thought it must be the button above the video monitor. I pushed and a red circle started flashing and I could hear an alarm going off. Of course after a short panic pushing all of the buttons I couldn't figure out how to get it to turn off so I just went done to the lobby to let her in. As I get out of the elevator I was greeted with the nice blaring of the horn and lights flashing where the doorman meets people. Not a good sign. I looked around and couldn't see anyone so we just headed upstairs. After fiddling with the monitor for a couple of minutes the alarm turned off and I figured no harm no foul so I was off to pick up the kids from the bus stop and I left April home with a napping Ashlynn. When I got back I was informed that April had a personal visit for the neighbor policeman, baton, bullet proof vest and all. Luckily he didn't speak English and April didn't speak Japanese so all he could do was reset the alarm and April apologized. Some times timing is everything.

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