Saturday, November 1, 2008


We had fun last night; the girls went Trick-or-Treating with about 15 other kids to about, well, 8 houses. Most of the Japanese haven't caught on to this great tradition yet. But at least each house gave us handful of candy, so the girls were happy! P.S., can you spot them? Clue: Bridget switched to a more weather-appropriate costume.


Nuclear Ack said...

Yeah. She looks so thrilled she can barely stand herself.... I'm guessing the weather-related costume was not her first choice...

latterdayesther said...

Glad the kids didn't miss trick or treating! Did the "8 houses" Japanese people know you were coming, or did they think that it was just a strange American custom?

april said...

how fun to see your kids all dressed up; actually how fun to see your kids: period. lily keeps asking to see bridget lately. she misses her.

Amanda said...

So fun! Glad they are still able to celebrate the holidays!

Jenn S said...

cute the photos of the kids and all the fun stories of Japan!